Saturday, September 15, 2007

Watch me grow

Well...I'm finally trying to come into the technology age...I know for most of you this happened some time ago, but I've been fighting it all the way. You know how it is, you're always a bit skeptical of the unknown and for me the computer world is like a vast desert, I know they exist but I've never been to one and quite honestly I am deathly afraid of the unknown, so bear with me as I learn to navigate in this strange new world.

I feel this will be a great way of letting the parents of my babies (& anyone else who is interested) know of the cute, strange, hysterical and wonderful things their children do and say every day. I love what I do, these children say and do the funniest things, they are discovering new things all the time and I'd love to share some of these moments with you.

These are very busy times,and we all have our own agendas and busy schedules, when the parents come to pick up their children I don't always have the time to tell them individually all the things their children do during the day so this will be a good place to share anecdotes, pictures and many more things.

I've never enjoyed a job as much as I do this one and to me there is nothing better and more gratifying than watching these little ones grow. The change happens almost second by second and they grow up way too fast, so I hope that this blog will show you just a bit of what I see and hear every day.

Though my days begin very early (6:30 am) and end 12 hours later, I feel energized, fulfilled and very happy. I actually look forward to starting my day and really miss these little ones over the weekend...can you say that about your job??...I didn't think so!!!

There may be some of you (OK, most of you) that would say that I'm totally insane for quitting an office job to take care of children, but though it is a lot of work I've truly never enjoyed a "job" so much. In reality I don't consider this a job, to me it's my calling, I've always enjoyed children and truly believe this is what I'm meant to do, I'm only sorry it took me so long to realize this.

So sit back and I hope you enjoy what I'm planning for this blog. Bear with me while I'm in the getting settled stage and remember to be patient, I'm trying really hard to become computer literate!


MellyMel said...

It looks great in here! I love how you have made it "your own" and cannot wait to read more and see more as you continue blogging! Welcome to the techie side of things, mom!


Charity said...

I've been waiting patiently for you to send me the link... I know the kids had to be sleeping. So anyways, I LoVe It! It's wonderful. This is going to be so cool to go on and see what's new. And you picked some really good pictures too! Thanks Mel for giving your mom the idea. Look at her run with it.

Charity (Skylar's mom)

Eleina said...

Your blog looks really great!! I love all the great pics of the kids. I can't wait to see more of the little ones as they grow up. Adrian misses you and all his friends to. Keep up the great work.